برآوردکننده چندسنسورهٔ بارندگی
The complementary nature of these techniques has therefore led to the increasing use of multi-sensor precipitation estimates (MPE) which aim to combine the best features of each approach.
In weather radar research, products of this type are often called Multi- sensor Precipitation Estimates (MPE) whilst the term High Resolution Precipitation Product (HRPP) is also used in satellite-based applications.
Since 2007, the NMQ precipitation outputs have also been provided to National Weather Service River Forecasting Centers (RFCs) in parallel with products from the existing Multi-sensor Precipitation Estimator (MPE).
� MPE - the Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimator product combining weather radar, raingauge and satellite observations, with forecaster's inputs where necessary, and used for state updating of the model stores (4 km, hourly)
� HPE - the automatically generated High-Resolution Precipitation Estimator (HPE) product, which is based primarily on Nexrad observa- tions, but adjusted based on recent MPE gauge/radar bias information (1 km, 15 min)
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران